Projects, which started in 2022
7 partners from 6 different European countries are involved in the Erasmus+ CULPEER Digital: “Cultural Peer-Learning goes Online – Digital Learning in Global Adult and Youth Education project”. CuBuFoundation is the contractual one for Bulgaria.
CULPEER digital aims to develop and transfer online formats and digital concepts for cultural peer-learning approaches in Global Education and Intercultural Learning for awareness-raising on global issues, social integration and cultural participation.
The project CULPEER digital focuses on inclusion and diversity through digital cultural learning methods for pedagogues in adult education, especially those working with persons with fewer opportunities. Furthermore the project contributes to the limitation of climate change by making an intercultural exchange in global topics available through digital exchange and less travel.
Target groups:
– pedagogues, who work in adult or youth education
– multipliers and influencers to promote the e-learning platform
– refugees and migrants, who benefit from creative learning methods and receive adequate education which will facilitate their everyday life in Europe
Download the project brochure from here.
Project results:
- e-learning course on digital culture and
- online platform with divers OERs
- fIlm center CULPEER digital
Project number:
Projects, which started in 2021
Erasmus+ project “INclusive CREAtivity through Educational Artmaking” (InCrea+) aims to provide an innovative method of inclusive education and promotion of wellbeing through the implementation of arts educational content and practices.
Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA227 – Partnerships for Creativity
Project period: 01/03/2021-28/02/2023
Project objectives:
– Enhancement of teachers’ skills and competences in inclusive education;
– Provide a set of new skills and competences for the CCS aimed at creating new job opportunities in the next future for current and future professionals;
– Promotion of social inclusion of secondary education students with SEN, students from minorities or low-income families (focusing more on 5th-9th grade);
– Development of learning resources, materials, activities and training modules to foster creativity, culture, multicultural dialogue and wellbeing;
– Foster possible collaboration between art specialists, education experts and teachers.
To reach the objectives, three steps have been defined:
1. Knowledge Building. Research will be conducted in order to define the proper methodology and artistic means, and design.
Main deliverable: Methodological material.
2. Curriculum design and testing. At this stage, the InCrea+ curriculum will be designed and tested. Teachers from associated partner schools and artists will be trained and they will implement InCrea+ curriculum in their schools and associations.
Main deliverables: InCrea+ Curriculum and people trained.
3. Digitalization. Finally, the InCrea+ curriculum will be made available on an OER platform in which teachers will find both training materials for them and pre-made lessons practices that can be readily adopted in class.
Main Deliverable: OER Platform.
The target groups of this project are: secondary education teachers, students from 11 to 16 years old, creative and cultural sector workers and education help-specialists (psychologist, logo-pedagogists and any kind of specialists dealing with children with SEN, behavioural issue or from minorities).
The project partners come from Lithuania with Kaunas Juozas Grusas Art Gymnasium in the coordinating role, Turkey, Spain, Romania, Italy and Bulgaria. The official project partner for our country is the CuBuFoundation.
Project website:
Projects, which started in 2020
25 cultural
experiences by the age of 25
The ‘25 by 25’ project aims to support and encourage young people aged 15 to 21 years old to increase their interaction with cultural activities and experiences. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the Key Action 2 Youth call. 25 by 25 started on 30th September 2020 and will run for 30 months until March 2023.
The project consortium involves 7 partner organisations from six countries – the UK, Italy, Spain, Greece, Hungary and Bulgaria. The official partner for Bulgaria is the Foundation.
Project Objectives:
- Increase accessibility to existing cultural heritage
- Extend the involvement of excluded youths in cultural heritage initiatives
- Instill a strong message of “25 by 25” amongst youths and youth workers
The project will develop a matrix of European cultural activities for youths to help them achieve the goal of learning and developing their skills and knowledge through 25 meaningful cultural experiences by the age of 25 years old. It will also develop a place-based cultural curriculum framework which will allow anyone to create a cultural learning module about their town or city.
The transnational dimension of the 25 by 25 project will be strengthened through the peer-learning and peer exchange element of the 25 by 25 Digital Platform. This will allow the beneficiaries to understand the different cultural manifestations of the wider European Union, through knowledge of the diverse range of shared European cultural heritage.
Target Beneficiaries: Youths aged 15 to 21 years old; Vulnerable, NEET and migrant youths
Wider Stakeholders: Youth Workers; Youth Organisations
Project web-site:
Project “Golden ratio teaching: Interactive approaches and positive attitude for improving teaching and training skills”, supported by the BG NA Human resource development center and the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 strategic partnerships in the field of education and training.
Project aim: Support teachers in adopting a teaching approach called the “golden ratio teaching”, which translates into using an array of teaching techniques and positive attitudes in every class the teachers lead, for the purpose of improving students’ attention, comprehension and knowledge retention.
Project duration: 18 months, from 01.11.2020 until 30.04.2022.
Project number: 2020-1-BG01-KA201-079006
Project „Four-minute barriers – Foster the inclusion of visually impaired youngsters through sport methodologies and sport activities”, supported by the Erasmus+, Programme SPO – Sport, Action SCP – Collaborative Partnerships, project number: 613251-EPP-1-2019-1-BG-SPO-SCP and period of implementation 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2021.
The „4-minute barriers“ project aims at achieving inclusion of young people with impaired vision through the organization of sports activities, involving sighted people and people with visual impairments.
The project is based on the idea that encouraging a VIP, particularly a child, in getting involved with sport is fundamental for:
- their locomotor development and the related motor skills;
- mental development such as space recognition, movement construction;
- psychological well-being, increasing the self-confidence and love toward themselves;
- social skills development connected with a high-quality inclusion in the sighted society high level health quality.
Project web-site:
Projects, which started in 2019.
Project p.s.SMILE “Socio-Emotional Capacity Building in Primary Education“, with a duration of 3 years, supported by the Erasmus+ programme, project n. 2019-1-LT01-KA201-060710.
Project web-site:
The p.s.SMILE project has the following objectives:
- Empower teachers and parents with effective tools to more successfully guide socio-emotional development of their children.
- Create guidelines for educators in order to provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills to support the socio-emotional development of children in primary education.
- Develop an online platform to collect and disseminate materials across participating countries.
- Raise awareness in the local communities and in the European community about the importance of fostering socio-emotional development.
The project is oriented towards children aged between 6 and 10 as well as towards their educators and parents.
Project “V.I.V.A. – Visually Impaired youth with Vested Autonomy – Social inclusion via social entrepreneurship”, financed by the Erasmus+ programme under n. 2018-3-RO01-KA205-060985.
Project web-site:
The VIVA project aims at increasing the capacity of young people with impaired vision to start their own social enterprise, in order to achieve independence for themselves and for other disadvantaged young people.
This increased capacity would include stable theoretical and practical skills in the sphere of social entrepreneurship, empowering through autonomy and potential for contributing to society and to the European values, as well as improved intercultural skills. Besides that, the project aims at developing the capacity of the NGOs and the social partners working with young people with impaired vision, to encourage the development of skills, connected to social entrepreneurship.
The Foundation is implementing this 2-year international project in cooperation with two other partners from Bulgaria: the International council for cultural centers and the National rehabilitation center for the blind, Plovdiv.
Project, which started in 2018.
Project “Culture and Peer-Learning for Development Education – to engage Youth for SDGs on climate change, children rights and migration, focusing on refugee issues” – which the partnership fondly calls CULPEER4CHANGE!
- The project is supported by the EuropeAID DEAR programme and key action 2: Global Learning education and advocacy projects led by a Local Authority or Association of LAs (members states of the EU).
- The project CULPEER4CHANGE is coordinated by the City of Cologne, Germany and the partners are not only NGOs and local authorities from Europe, but also cultural and artistic social enterprises from the so called Global South.
- Project n.: CSO-LA/2018/401-796
- Implementation period: 01.02.2019 – 31.01.2022
- Project web-site: https://culpeer-for-change.e
The aims of the project are to develop, test and implement methods for teaching and learning, which improve the dialogue between the youth from the generations of the new millennium and the educators and employers. The project started in Nov 2018 and has an implementation period of 2 years.
Project web-site:
Project "Our S.C.O.P.E. - Our Self Consciousness on Peer Education" (key activity 2 „Strategic partnerships@ under the Erasmus+ - Nr. 2017-3-IT03-KA205-012194).
Facebook page:
Projects, which started in 2017.
The contract n. of the project is BG05M9OP001-4.001-0010-C01 and its implemented ended on 31.12.2018.
CuBuFo was in partnership with Special schools for students with impaired vision “Louis Braille”, Sofia and „Prof. d-r Ivan Shishmanov“, Varna and the Association of parents of children with impaired vision. The foreign partner in our project and great contributor to our work was UCAN Productions from Wales. Details and further information on the project can be found on its new page. The web-site will not be operational after Nov 2023.
Period of implementation – October 2017 till December 2018.
Structural funds of the EU:
Project facebook page:
Project “Pathway through religions” (supported by the Erasmus+, n. 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036784). Detailed information about the project and its results is available here:
Projects, which started in 2016.
Project “CULPEER for integration: Cultural and peer-learning approaches for successful integration of disadvantaged youth and refugees at school level“. The Foundation implemented the project during 2 years – starting from October 2016. Details about the initiative can be found on its web-site:
Project 2IMINED – „Improving the initial education of adult immigrants“ –supported by theЕразъм+ programme, Strategic partnerships for innovations and exchanges of good practices – training of adults, was realized over a period of 2 years, starting as of October 2016. Details about the project ca be found on its web-site:
Project HealthEDU „INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODOLOGY OF HEALTH FRIENDLY NUTRITION DEVELOPMENT AND PRACTICE IN PRE-PRIMARY AND PRIMARY EDUCATION“, supported by the ERASMUS+ programme, KA2, n. 2016-1-LT01-KA201-023196. As of October 2016 over a period of 2 years, CuBuFo implemented this project, which encompassed around 50 schools and kindergartens throughout the whole country. Details about the project can be found on its web-site:
Projects, which started during and before 2015.
The LEAF – Learning families project, supported by the key activity 2 „Strategic partnerships“ of the Erasmus+ programme – project n. 2015-1-UK01-KA201-013815, CuBuFo implemented this project within a period of 2 years, between 2015-2017.
A short description of the project idea and the implemented activities, as well as the concept of the modules, which have been developed and provided to the school community in Bulgaria, is given in the hereby attached brochure.
Project „Not only fair play”, approved by the Erasmus+ programme with leading institutions I.P. Datini (Italy). Contract n. 557089 EPP1-2014-IT-SPO-SC. Since April 2015 together with partners from 7 other countries, CuBuFo implemented this successful project. Details can be found on its web-site:
Project „V.I.S.I.ON: Visual Impairment Social Inclusion ON“, supported by the Erasmus+ programme, KA2 and the Bulgarian national agency Human resource development center. Project web-site: Since the end of 2014 over a period of 2 years and together with partners from 5 countries, CuBuFo implemented this project, which was recognized by the EC as a „success story“, and by the National agency HRDC – as a “good practice“.
Project “FOCAL – Fostering cultural heritage for bridging intergenerational dialogue”, supported by sub-programme Grundtvig, Learning partnerships of the Lifelong learning programme of the EC. Implemented over a period of 2 years, starting since September 2012. More information about the project – here.
Project „Innovative approaches for identifying and responding to vocational training needs of young people at a disadvantage”.
The project was implemented with the financial support of the Operational programme „Human resources development“, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union.
Contract n. BG051PO001-7.0.01-0014-C001.
Information about the project together with a synopsis in English an in German and a presentation of the activities and results.
Downloadable results.
- A comparative analysis of the development in Germany and Bulgaria in the sphere of VET and the possibilities of distance learning and cultural and peer learning. Download here versions in BG, EN and a resume in DE.
- An analysis of the used methods for researching VET needs of youth at socio-economic isolation – national analyses for Bulgaria and Germany and a comparative analysis. Download here versions in BG, EN and a resume in DE.
- Analysis of the used methods for developing training programme for youth at socio-economic isolation – national analyses for Bulgaria and Germany and a comparative analysis. Download here versions in BG and EN.
- Developed poster, brochure and 2 info articles.
- Developed regular e-bulletin – 6 issues.
- Conducted training visit to Cologne, Germany for experience exchange over a period of 4 days. Here you can find a report from the training visit.
- Expert assessment of a selection of good practices for introduction from Germany. Here you can find the transferred practices.
Project „Strengthen creative cooperation”, which was implemented with the financial support of the EC, under the EuropeAid programme. Contract number between the leading organization – city of Cologne, Germany and the EC – DCI-NSAED/2011/234-515.
Here you can discover:
Activities implemented by the Foundation during 2012 and a report on the stay of the South African group MUKA Project
Activities implemented by the Foundation during 2013 and reports in Bulgarian and in English on the visit of the Brazilian group Treme Terra
Activities implemented by the Foundation during 2014
All training materials developed under the project.
Project: Approaches for cultural and peer learning for integration of youth and young adults with immigrant status and socio-economic issues, contract number LLP-2009-GRU-LP-14 –
Here you can discover: