The TIP Training programme and the Inclusion pack are now ready for you!
The TIP project aims to provide young people with tools and competences necessary for creating and implementing innovative solutions for inclusion in the face of unprecedented risks and societal challenges such as the ones that we are facing today. It also aims at tackling exclusionary biases through a number of theatre methods, namely Verbatim, Labyrinth, Devising theatre and Theatre for inclusive culture. The tested methods have been described in detail, with suggestions for exercises and step by step instructions for implementation. These have been compiled into the T.I.P. Training programme, now available on the project website. We have also included short guidelines on how to do it digitally, thus providing yet another possibility for implementation. Language versions in Bulgarian and Slovenian are available and will also be published shortly, so we hereby invite workshop leaders, theatre experts, non-formal education providers and others, to use the applied theatre techniques for social inclusion tested methodology in their practices.
As part of the resources developed by the T.I.P. partnership, we have also finalised and have available an Inclusion and Accessibility pack, as well as Audio Description Guidelines. These, together with the entire video package, created under the project, form the Drama and Inclusion Resource Pack.
The purpose of the Inclusion and Accessibility pack is to provide information and general guidance on how to ensure inclusivity in the process of preparing for, developing and implementing theatre related practices. It is to be used by workshop leaders, theatre experts, support staff and the participants themselves. It does not present an exhaustive list, but rather an overview of potential risks and related preventive and mitigation measures. The main themes covered within this document are needs assessment, evaluation before and after the training, categories of accessibility and suggestions on how to address risks; trauma informed activities.
The Audio description guidelines, developed by an expert in the field, provide of framework for the inclusion of audio description in order to ensure accessibility for v.i. audience when attending a theatre play.
All of the results were shared at the Multiplier events organized by the project partner in the different countries:
On the 17th of February, CuBuFoundation hosted its TIP MULTIPLIER event in Plovdiv. The organisation was joined and supported by project partners from Mess up the Mess and UCAN. The programme included:
– Presentation of the participants in the project “Theatre as an Inclusive Practice”, as well as the project objectives, activities and achieved results
– The first public screening of “You can’t sit with us!” – A theatrical production created by the international group of young people who worked together at the end of August 2022. in Cardiff, Wales.
The 32 participants (theatre experts and actors, representatives of local governmental and educational institutions, NGO representatives, etc.) also observed a demonstration of example exercises, led by the theatre experts from each organisation, with the support of partner representatives, so that the participants can get a “taste” of the different theatre methods through short exemplary exercises. This was followed by the first public screening of the play “You can’t sit with us”.
On December 14, 2022 Humanitas had a public evening event attended by approximately 30 people – mostly high school teachers and youth workers, some youth and general public as well. For this sharing event, some of the local trainers and young participants formed a new theater group and built and performed a tailored theatre piece, using the methods in the project. This was followed by a presentation of the project and a discussion.
On 6th March 2023 UCAN Productions hosted their multiplier event at University of Wales Atrium building in Cardiff. Support from TIP participants and representatives from Mess Up The Mess was given at the event.
Mess up the Mess will hold another event on the 26th April in Wales. Yet another success is expected to be reported from Ammanford shortly.
Follow us for more information as to how we envisage TIP to continue.